Join the Independence Presbyterian Church team for this year’s Habitat for Humanity Walk/Run/Mosey. 5K and 1mile run/walk options available. Registration is free, donations encouraged. This year it will be at Edgewater Park, run begins at 10:00am, walk at 10:05am. Those interested in meeting at church and then carpooling/caravan-ing should let Pastor David know. Register for …
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Holy Week 2023
Holy Week Schedule for 2023 at Independence Presbyterian Church Sunday, April 2 – Palm/Passion Sunday, 10:30amThursday, April 6 – Maundy Thursday Potluck and Worship, 5:30pmFriday, April 7 – Good Friday Service, NoonSunday, April 9 – EASTER SUNDAY:9:00am – Breakfast10:00am – Easter Egg Hunt10:30am – Easter Worship
Ministry Night: Feb 28
Ministry Night – Tuesday, February 28 Session Meets – 6pmMinistry Teams – 7pm Come out and join the Ministry Teams of IPC (Christian Ed, Worship, Outreach, and Mission) as we discuss joys and concerns and break into work groups. All are encouraged to attend.
Christmas Worship Schedule
Saturday, December 24 – Christmas Eve Worship, 7pm Sunday, December 25 – First Sunday of Christmas, 10:30am Sunday, January 1 – Second Sunday of Christmas, 10:00am @IUMC(hosted by Independence United Methodist Church)
Reformation Sunday
On Sunday, October 30 we will celebrate Reformation/Heritage Sunday. Put on your best kilt (or stick to trousers) and encourage those who can’t come regularly to mark their calendars for this special worship service. We will celebrate our Scottish heritage with bagpipes and tartan decorations, and honor our “reformed and always reforming” tradition. After worship we will have a …
Blessing of the Animals
Blessing of the AnimalsSaturday, October 1 @10am Please be sure that all animals are leased or in a carrier. Photos of your beloved animals (living or deceased) may also be brought in to be blessed.
Habitat Walk/Run/Mosey
Together we will raise more money for Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity than we ever could alone! Want to help? Support by making a donation to our team. The process is fast, easy, and secure… and you can be sure that it will benefit a great cause… affordable homeownership. So, let’s build this house together. …
Shoe Collection
SHOE COLLECTION Let’s work together! We are collecting shoes alongside other churches in the Presbytery of the Western Reserve to help people abroad and to help two local charities. We are collecting shoes through the end of July and there are two DRIVE THROUGH and DONATE dates. Simply collect shoes and bring them to Independence …
Changes to IPC Worship Protocols (July 2021)
Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. (Psalm 95:1-2) Motion from Session…At a special session meeting the elders of IPC voted to approve the following motion effective immediately… While encouraging distancing, handwashing and avoiding worship activities that involve physical contact …
Continue reading “Changes to IPC Worship Protocols (July 2021)”
Updated COVID Protocols (June 2021)
Updated COVID Protocols The Session of Independence Presbyterian Church has voted to update our COVID-safety protocols for Sunday morning worship. As of June 6th, for indoor services, IPC will be strongly recommending people who are not fully vaccinated to wear masks, and optional mask wearing for people who are fully vaccinated. For outdoor services masks …