At our retreat yesterday, the Session of IPC voted to return to in-person worship on Sunday, February 7, 2021. We felt good about where the trends seem to be going, and our COVID protocols.
We are committed, however, to continuing to live-stream our worship services at the highest quality we are able, so that everyone may continue to worship with us.
Our worship team will continue trying to improve the live-stream as we go on. If you have interest in helping or suggestions please reach out to Carol Tomasko or Rev. Wigger.
In addition to opening the sanctuary to in-person worship, Session voted to allow team/committee chairs discretion in whether to hold their meetings virtually or in-person. We do ask that meetings should maintain COVID protocols (masks and distance) and be no more than 10 people. The Session will continue to meet by Zoom for the time being. If you have questions please contact the pastor.
As we approach worship on February 7, we will send out our COVID protocols again for review.