Suspension of In-Person Worship Continued (12/16)

Suspension of In-Person Worship Continued:
Session Meeting Notes

At the Session meeting on Wednesday, December 16 the elders of IPC voted to extend the suspension of in-person worship for the next four Sunday. Worship will remain virtual for Sundays: December 20, December 27, January 3, January 10. Session will meet again on Sunday, January 10 to revisit the issue.

However, Session also voted to make an exception for the two Christmas Eve services already scheduled. And we will hold those services in-person (as well as live-streamed) for those who sign up. As of now, there is around 35 people scheduled for both the 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. services. In order to maintain the best possible COVID protocols, we please ask everyone who would like to attend in-person Christmas Eve to please sign up by either calling or emailing the office or filling out the form:

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