Sermon on Deut. 34 by Rev. David B. Wigger on Reformation Sunday (October 25, 2020)
Author Archives: ipcwordpre55
“Children’s Sabbath” (Oct 18)
Sermon on Exodus 33 by Rev. David B. Wigger (October 18, 2020)
“Idols in the Wilderness” (Oct 11)
Sermon on Exodus 32 by Rev. David B. Wigger (October 11, 2020)
“Ten Words of Love” (Oct 4)
Sermon on Exodus 20 by Rev. David B. Wigger (World Communion Sunday, October 4, 2020)
“A Quarreling People” (Sept 27)
Sermon on Exodus 17 by Rev. David B. Wigger
“What is this?” (September 20)
Sermon on Exodus 16 by Rev. David B. Wigger
COVID-19 GUIDELINES & PROCEDURES FOR SUNDAY WORSHIP AT IPC (Last Updated: September 1 2020) Bulletins will be printed and placed in pews on Thursday. Given the CDC recommendations about the virus’ life on the surface of a piece of paper, the three-day passage of time should eliminate any risk of exposure. However, it is up to …
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